3/16-100 fine-adjustment screws are a standard piece of hardware used in the photonics lab. Base Lab Tools offers the finest 100 TPI (254µm/rev) screws available.Shipped from readily available stock and made in the USA, these fine-adjustment screws and bushings are sold separately to easily mix and match. The right fine-adjustment screws are paramount to proper adjustments of motion applications like mirror mounts, translation stages, and rotation platforms in any photonics lab. Base Lab Tools has brought to the photonics community the world’s best fine-adjustments screws at unbeatable prices. All of our fine-adjustment screws are epoxy free, higher quality than standard class 3A screws, and designed to be mixed and matched with our 3/16-100 bushings. These 3/16-100 fine-adjustment screws are ideal for photonics applications, but where slightly increased resolution is needed, they can be easily be replaced with 3/16-127 or 3/16-200 fine-adjustment screws.